How it Works: The technology behind satellite internet

Ever wondered how satellite internet works? 这里简要介绍一下它在许多方面与传统互联网提供商的相似之处, but with a few key differences.


The way most internet works these days is a simple, 三部分流程:互联网服务提供商(ISP)通过光纤从数据服务器集合获得互联网信号, moves that signal to a central station, or hub, then distributes it to the modems of individual subscribers.

Those first two parts tend to be the easiest to accomplish, 而第三步——向调制解调器发送信号——则是比较棘手的部分. That final leg is often called “the last mile,” and for many homes without adequate internet service, 距离交通枢纽的最后一英里(或多英里)才是关键.

If you think about cable or fiber ISPs, they require a technician to come out and wire each location, then connect that to the local hub. Since most homes are already fully cabled, it’s relatively simple to connect all the homes in a neighborhood. 如果你的家不是在一个人口稠密的地区,它使经济意义的互联网服务提供商为你服务与短运行从中心到你的家, it’s less simple. 在电缆或光纤的情况下,这可能意味着它们根本不为你服务. For DSL from the phone company, they might serve you, but the farther you go from the nearest central station, the worse the service gets.

这就是为什么卫星互联网成为了一种弥合数字鸿沟的方式对于那些不在电缆和光纤范围内的人来说 living in remote and rural areas. 像Viasat这样的卫星互联网服务提供商基本上以同样的三步方式工作, but instead of a central station, 互联网信号通过光纤传送到地面上的大型天线(称为“地面站”), which then moves the signal via radio waves up to our satellite.

In this model, the satellite is functioning like that central office, and that “last mile” is more like 22,300 miles — the altitude at which our satellites orbit. 信号返回到你的家或办公室,并被你家外面与卫星对齐的天线(碟形天线)捕获. From there, 信号通过墙上的一个洞进入连接到调制解调器的电缆中——就像任何其他ISP一样.


Spectrum & 当我们与新客户交谈时,我们经常听到的一个问题是,他们是否可以使用已经拥有的卫星电视天线. It’s a good question, but the answer is a firm “no.“主要原因是卫星电视只向一个方向播放, 从卫星向家庭广播视频信号,没有“返程飞行”.” Internet signals have to go both ways, and since the signals to and from are not broadcast like video, 移动所有这些数据需要更大的带宽. Also, 用于互联网和电视的固定天线都指向不同的卫星, 所以它不像电视天线,可以接收地面上不同的电台.

这就引出了另一个电竞竞彩最好的app如何通过卫星传输互联网的有趣问题. 而视频卫星可以以一种非常大的波束覆盖整个大陆, doing so for internet would be a waste of that bandwidth. Think of a radio station at, say, 97.3. 如果你在50英里左右的范围内,你就能收到当地电台的频率. In the next state over, your rock station at 97.3 might be a country station, 因为距离允许重复使用那部分无线电频谱.

我们的卫星接收无线电频谱的Ka波段近30千兆赫,发射近20千兆赫.2 GHz, and we deploy the signal in what are called “spot beams.这些都是针对地面上的特定区域,并且它们重叠(见插图)。. 如果我们用的是同一部分的频谱,那么它是如何工作的?



The answer is we break down the bands using different polarizations. 如果你不是电气工程师,就把它想象成不同的颜色. Within a single spot beam, we can use a number of different colors to carry the signal, reusing that same bit of spectrum. 在过去的十年里,Viasat已经投入了相当多的精力来改进我们这样做的方式, 这导致了我们对分配给我们的无线电频谱的高效利用. 这反过来又允许我们向所有那些调制解调器提供更多的带宽.

随着我们增强了卫星的能力,我们也不得不提高我们在地面上的水平. Just as more towers equate to better coverage for your smartphone, 更多的地面站将为我们的卫星服务提供一个更强大的网络. At the same time, 将处理功能转移到云中使我们能够创建更小的, less-expensive earth stations than we did previously. That helps make it economical to put up quite a few more of them.


我们已经谈到了我们如何提供卫星互联网的所有主要组成部分, 但还有一个要提的,因为它实际上是你在家里看到的. What many call “the dish” is actually a couple of different things. 碟形天线本身只是一个反射器:一块冲压钢板对准卫星,用于聚焦TRIA读取的信号. 这是手臂末端的金属盒,通过电缆连接到调制解调器.

“TRIA”是“收发集成组件”的首字母缩写,但你只需要知道它本质上是一个可以发送和接收的无线电. TRIA也有一个强大的放大器,使它能够将信号推回轨道上的卫星. 与调制解调器一起,TRIA是你所在位置真正的主力,而不是更大的天线.

A modem, by the way, 作为通过TRIA接收到的无线电信号与您的计算机或路由器之间的接口. It also does other things, 比如身份验证,以确保你是网络的一员,并调制和解调信号.

即使信号从卫星到达你那里的基本原理相对简单, 它确实涉及到大量复杂的技术,使这一切成为可能. It’s a technology we at Viasat work on constantly to improve. 我们的目标是在未来几年内使高速互联网接入在地球上几乎任何地方都成为可能, and hopefully this helps explain how satellite can make it happen.
